Saturday, November 21, 2015


Prior to this week, this summer has only consisted on working with the bank and getting the land ready to build on.  It is definitely not a quick process and has tested this Type A's personality.  I'm the person that gets started with a project and I want it done the same day.  Obviously that is not how this works.  This will be a good test for me to learn some patience and that everything doesn't have to fall within a schedule. 

Here are the before, during and after photos as we cleared out the area and fixed the broken dam on the pond.

Our great friend, Katie came out and took some pictures for us before we started with anything.  If you can't tell this was right after a big rain we had this summer!  (Ben was tricked into these pictures! hehe)

These trees as well as the buildings are now sadly gone.  They were not sturdy and if they had fallen it would have been on the new house, so we had to take them out.
The future view off the back of the house.

©David Kahmann Construction
©David Kahmann Construction
These are one of many copies of the floor plans that we tweaked until we got them exactly how we wanted them! 

And the pond that I am obsessed with.


We made/are still making LOTS of trips out here to check on things.

Look at those weeds and all that water standing in the ditches!

Yep, those weeds are taller than I am.

Too much water = broken dam

Let the clean-up begin!

This is the before on top and after day 1 of clean-up on bottom!

Before - Day 1 - Day 2

I mean look at that - I could forever exist in this spot.

I spent a lot of time pond side this summer.  There is just something about this spot that immediately brings a sense of peace and relaxation to me.

Toward the end of the summer we finally nailed down the floor plan! 
©David Kahmann Construction
I was pretty excited the day this sign went up - it meant we would be starting soon!

This view makes my heart so full.

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