Sunday, April 30, 2017

April '17

April '17 - the month we found out our little rainbow baby's gender!!

Spent an afternoon with Ben and Dals at the farm.

April 1, 2017 - "I love afternoons together <3 Dally constantly has a paw on Ben's leg when we're in any type of vehicle.  She also thinks she's pretty tough around the cattle until one looks at her wrong and then she's booking it back behind Ben or I! #CandCfarms #Dally (and yes, that's a little bit of moisture on the cattle - got a short shower this afternoon - we will take what we can get!  Praise Jesus for rain!"

I love springtime in the country and long nights spent on the deck.

April 4, 2017 - "Well..let the wait begin! Fingers crossed that I pass! #16weekglucosetest #babyC **PS - I passed!!**"

Huge shout out to one of the best veterinarians out there!  This is our friend, Dr. Paige and she did a rhinoplasty and spayed our pup niece, Roux.  She sent my sister these pictures, just letting her know that Roux was doing great and getting post-surgery lovin'.  What more could you ask for!?

April 7, 2017 - a small bump is happening!!

April 7, 2017 - "First mow of the spring - always the same..frisbees always dropped in your way and green paws!  Such is life with Dally. #Dally #pharmwifefarmlife

April 7, 2017 - "I can get used to more evenings life this."

My love for donuts and chocolate milk grew tremendously while pregnant!

Happy Easter!!

April 16, 2017 - "Happy Easter from the Cather's! #HEisrisen #yesifoldedthosenapkins"

April 17 - its.....a......

GIRL!!!  Meet Miss Charlie!  She didn't have a middle name until the week before she was born, so you'll get to know that in September!

April 17, 2017 - "Sorry're still outnumbered!
It's. A. 💗 #babyGIRLCather #Dally 🐾"

April 20, 2017 - my first turkey hunting ADVENTURE.

April 25, 2017 - "I got this sweet picture while I was at work that was captioned "Let's do it for them...BC we love Charlie" 💙💜 - CD
They not only picked up the plants for me to start my garden but her and this little guy actually plant them for me too - does it get better? 😍 thanks @ktmama1 and Cooper Dillon for planting our garden and loving on our little girl already! #tearingupatwork #pregnancyemotionsarereal #CDandCharlieAdventuresBegin
April 29, 2017 - Rainy Saturday morning by the fire with Charlie, Dally and John. #perfectstart #Dally #20weekstomorrow"
An evening out on the town and my very first non-alcoholic beer - haha!

April 30, 2017

April 30, 2017 - "Miss Charlie is HALFWAY! When they say enjoy it because it goes fast, they were right. #20weeks #MissCharlie
I hesitated earlier today to post this because I've been the girl on the other side of this photo. The one who had loved and lost. I know how hard it can be so see, but even more than I know that I was encouraged by some of the testimonies of God's faithfulness through pictures like this one. #Heisgoodandfaithful #worththewait"