Friday, March 31, 2017

March '17

Yes, I'm well aware that it's nearly March of 2018! and I'm just now getting to March 2017 on here.  I've considered just skipping and starting fresh with the new year, but my blog would be missing some of the biggest events of our lives, so here's to catching up with a few pictures and a few stories that go along with them.  (Maybe by March 2018 I'll be caught back up and follow through with a goal of blogging more, even what seems like small, mundane happenings of life.)

March 2017 brought some extra family time, a few babies - two still growing in their mamas (one my new niece or nephew and the other our own little one(!!)) and one coming home to her new mama, our new dog-niece, Roux!  It even brought a little rain and some funny experiences like going to a chicken auction, yes you heard that right!

Meet Emily's puppy, Roux!  She's adorable and full of energy!  Happy graduation, Em!

March 2, 2017 - "I'll lay here and help your hurt foot! ðŸ’™#Dally"
March 4, 2017 - "My newest dog niece came to visit! #roux"
March 4, 2017 - "Puppy cousins are FUN! #Roux #Dally"

This little miracle, Miss Lexi Lew was born and is so perfect. 

 We spent a weekend out in Cimarron due to Chris's Memorial roping.  Miss Sawyer Rose always brings a smile to our face!

She sure loves her Papa.

March 12, 2017 - "Naps with Papa are the best naps. #sweetsawyerrose
We announced to the world that we were expecting!!

March 20, 2017 "He answered! "I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to the Lord. For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord." 1 Samuel 1:27-28
Baby C will be making his or her arrival in September 2017. We couldn't be happier or feel more blessed!! #babyC #GodisGOOD
. (Thanks @cultivate_joy_boutique for the awesome onesie! And @ktmama1 for the pics!)

We went and saw Beauty and the Beast, the boys were thrilled. (yes, I'm that short)

We found out that we were getting a NEPHEW!!!!  Emmitt Ty was very loved already.

Always have to throw in a few Dally pictures.  Snoozing and running the country, two of her favorite things.

Everyone came down for a weekend!  Sawyer Rose had a great time at the farm with uncle B.

That bedhead!!
March 25, 2017 - "Nana makes some gooood breakfast!! #sweetsawyerrose #savage #thatbedhead"

First messy bun, of course aunt Dabba (what Sawyer has now named me) had to document it before she scrubbed it out 10 minutes later.

Cooper gave Sawyer some coveralls and boots, because "girls don't like to get their clothes dirty".

And showed her how he feeds his calves.

She got to visit Uncle B on the farm.

My dad built us this beautiful bed and Sawyer of course helped put it together.

A little living room dancing with Papa.

March 26, 2017 - "A little morning dance session with Papa. #sweetsawyerrose

We got some rain too!!!

I experienced my first Yoder Auction - they sell anything and everything, including CHICKENS.  Background on chickens and I - we do not get along, but this was still a fun and very interesting day!

(I didn't actually buy any, just sent this to Ben because he is against chickens at our house just as much as I am!)

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