Wednesday, February 3, 2016

My Farmer/Rancher/Cowboy

After a very mild winter, today feels like I'm living in the arctic circle.  Yes, its only 35 degrees and with the wind chill it feels like 24 degrees, but my cushy inside job has made me a little weak in this area.  I complain about the cold, yet all I do out in it is walk to and from my car, house and work (which is about 10 steps anywhere I go, mind you.).

Harvest '15

Last winter - breaking ice and checking fences

Ben (my cowboy/farmer/rancher for those of you who are wondering who this "Ben" character is) will most likely come home tonight, take a shower, put on some comfy clothes and NEVER once complain about how cold he was today.  He will be out in the cold all day - fixing fence, checking cattle, feeding/pulling/doctoring those cattle, working on machinery and all those other jobs he has throughout the day.  I don't know that I would survive - well I might survive, but I would FOR SURE complain throughout the day and all night about how cold I was.

I don't think that we appreciate these kinds of people enough.  The ones working out in the cold all day long to support their families.  The ones who come home and don't complain about it - even though they have every right to.  The ones who I love, who have always done this manual labor and have been taken for granted.

Hug your farmer/rancher/golf course superintendent/etc tonight.  Make them some hot cocoa or just cuddle up to them tonight.  Make sure they know you appreciate them - I know I fall short at doing that sometimes.

Here's something I posted 5 years ago when I was in college - still true today.


I love you, Dad.
I love you, Ben.
I love all of my family members and friends who do this daily.

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